Who Rescued Me When I Was in Danger?

By Chengyi

On December 11, 2013, it was overcast, sometimes it rained, and there was also a norther. It was icy on the road. That day, I drove to the nearby downtown to deal with my business. After I drove some distance, my eyes felt dry and uncomfortable, because I stayed up till past 2 a.m. the last night. Later on, my eyelids started to droop and I could hardly keep my eyes open. So I stopped my car at a stop along the road. After having a rest for a while, I went on driving. On the way, I stopped and rested several times like this.

When I was passing a town, my mind got more and more confused. I was in a daze and half-conscious, and even could not be aware that I was driving. When I was in a daze, my car bumped into a sign on the right side of the road. I wanted to keep conscious, but my eyes were out of my control. A second later, I drove on a bridge and my car jarred against the guard rail on the right side of the road. At that moment, my head cleared a little. However, before I could react, one of my car wheels hit a seat stone on the edge of road. With a thud, I was completely roused.

At the moment, I saw a row of cars on the left side of the road coming in the opposite direction and also saw some cars following my car through the reflector. After my car hit the seat stone, since ice made the road slippery, I couldn’t control the steering wheel at all. Then my car started to spin, as if I sat in a spinning cup in amusement park. Subsequently, my car careened in the middle of the road. I was so scared that my heart thumped against my ribs and I didn’t know what I should do. Frightened, I realized I was a believer in God. Accordingly, I kept calling to God, “O God, now I’m very afraid. Please help me and let me know what I should do.” In panic, I realized I was still stepping on the gas, so I hurriedly left go of it. However, I didn’t know which side I should turn the steering wheel to, for I saw the road was full of cars. I was worried if I turned the steering wheel to a wrong side an accident would happen. Once my car hit another one, it would result in a multiple crash. And I would not only lose my life, but also bring a disaster for more people. Just when in a dilemma, suddenly I remembered God and knew: All matters and all things are in God’s hands. Only God is my reliance. What’s more, only God is possessed of this kind of authority and power to save me from danger. Therefore, I would commit all that would happen next to God and obeyed His orchestrations and arrangements. Then I continuously prayed to God in my heart: “O God, the consequences of the collision occurring do not bear thinking about. Please help me! You are the Creator. You have authority and power. Which direction my car will go in is in Your thought. I’m willing to obey Your sovereignty and arrangements.” When I truly relied on God, a miracle happened: My car, unlike a runaway horse, was not crazy anymore; but instead, it seemed to be tamed and skidded toward a meadow on the right. Finally it hit a water-pipe in the meadow and then stopped.

Thinking back to that dangerous scene, I drew in my breath, my entire body breaking out in a cold sweat, and my heart leaping up. In the entire episode, first, my car spun; then, it careened; at last, it slipped slowly. I couldn’t help but release a sigh: God’s deeds are indeed immeasurable! God is really too almighty and wise!

Later, I saw the Bible say: “I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust” (Psm 91:2). Recalling my experience, I felt this word was too practical. Indeed, only God is a refuge for us. Whether we receive blessings or endure hardships in our life is all controlled by God. Only by being shepherded and supplied by God’s words, conscientiously seeking the truth, truly praying to God and calling out to Him will we obtain His protection.

Thank God for His protecting me from the danger. Meanwhile, I have had a true experience of God’s almightiness and sovereignty. In the future, I am willing to pursue the truth, entrust my all to God, and perform my duty properly as a created being to repay God’s love.