The Lord Rescued Me From Death 2 Times

When I was a kid, I used to go to church with my mother, listened to sermons everywhere, and attended large group gatherings. Overtime, I got to know the Lord Jesus is the one true God. His mighty power can enable the lame walk, the blind see, and can raise the dead. I found the true God, however, at that time, people didn’t have food to eat, so all I thought about was how to earn more work credits to fill the belly. I barely ever went to gatherings.

In 1975, I was pregnant with my first child. In the seventh month, my husband and I traveled to visit our elders. Accidentally, I tripped and fell. It hurt so much that I couldn’t sit up. I was so worried, “Is my labor triggered?” Out of concern for my child, my husband and I hurriedly went to a township hospital. It turned out that my labor was indeed induced, and I must give birth immediately. I delivered my baby, but I couldn’t deliver the placenta, which caused me to begin to hemorrhage. Doctors tried everything they could, but internal bleeding remained unresolved. Massive blood loss led to my feebleness, vision blurring, and inability to speak. But I was conscious, able to hear what others said, and to feel what my condition was. I knew haemorrhage was a leading cause of maternal death: One of my neighbors bled out and died last year during giving birth. Thinking of this, I was so anxious and afraid, “If I died, how about my newborn baby?” I cried out to the Lord Jesus instinctively, “O my Lord, You are so powerful. Please help me.” The doctor Aunt Mei who helped me deliver and my mom all believed in the Lord. They prayed for me constantly. After a while, Aunt Mei said, “People have nothing to do with this situation. But the Lord possesses great power, and He can cure and protect you. Your mother and I pray for you, but it’s not enough. What really matters is you two must come before the Lord, and truly rely on Him. You all believe in the Lord. Just pray to Him.” Then I heard my husband say with worries and fear, “We believe in Him.” I also nodded with all my strength, calling out to the Lord in my heart, “My Lord, only You can save me. Please save me. …”

The hospital had no ability to stop my hemorrhage, so I must be transferred to another hospital. This required the hospital director’s signature to be approved. Well, unfortunately, the director was on vacation. When everyone was anxious, the director came to the hospital unexpectedly, saying he felt irritable at home for some reason, which drove him to leave home and return to hospital. When he learned about my situation, he hurriedly got in touch with a county hospital and arranged a transfer as soon as possible. When the county hospital said the surgery couldn’t be carried out because of power outage, the director said decidedly, “Hurry up! Go buy a dozen torches, and use them for the surgery. Save the patient now.” During that era, there was no ambulance; doctors could only stop a truck carrying woods, and after unloading, they sent me to the county hospital. Long time had passed, and I had lost too much blood, and may have died at any moment. On the truck, someone said, “Place the hand under her nose. Check whether she is still breathing.” I was also scared and was powerless to speak, but I was still conscious. I thought of a verse I read during a gathering with my mom before, which said, “And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and to many that were blind he gave sight” (Luke 7:21). The Lord is an all-powerful physician: He can cure all the illnesses, cast off demons, and perform wonders. I constantly prayed to Him in my heart, “O Lord. You are an excellent physician. You have the ability to enable the blind see, the lame walk. I believe that You can also cure me. Please save me, please …” After praying, I felt somewhat less fearful, and felt peaceful. The moment we arrived at the hospital, I heard someone say, “It has been a long time. I thought the patient was crashing. Our hospital lost power before, but when you arrived, we now have electricity. It seems that the patient won’t die.” I realized that this was the Lord’s arrangement, so I couldn’t stop thanking Him.

After the surgery, I was out of danger. A period of recuperation restored me. This experience allowed me to gain insight and knowledge of the Lord’s great power and wonder. Recalling back to what happened, I realized it was God who mobilized the director, who was on vacation, to go back to the hospital. God’s actions were so amazing. Besides, the electricity wasn’t back earlier or later, it was recovered the moment we arrived at the hospital, and no time was wasted—this was also because of God’s wondrous deeds. Despite the great amount of blood I shed, I was out of danger. This was surely God’s mercy and protection. Thanks be to the Lord. From then on, my husband and I began to confess and repent, and formally return to the Lord. Regardless of the busy schedule or long distance, we were never absent from gatherings unless it was an extremely special situation. What’s more, we persisted in spreading the gospel to testify to God.

In 1989, another thing happened when I was eight months pregnant. It was still dark one morning. I held my one-year-old daughter and helped her release pee. Suddenly, I heard a crack from my belly, like something breaking. I immediately put my daughter on the bed and found my blood flowing from the lower part of the body. Without hesitation, I put a cotton sheath, used for making cotton-padded trousers for my daughter, under my body. But the sheath was soaked in blood soon. Then I hastened to get off the bed and get an iron basin, squatting on it. I lost a lot of blood in a moment, which made me extremely terrified. I prayed to the Lord continuously, “My Lord, what can I do? Dear Lord, please save me.” No one else was home; if I continued bleeding, I would die here without no one knowing it. I must call others right now. I then struggle to walk to the yard and call my neighbor. Coming over and seeing that much blood, she looked scared. So she called a sister to help me. The two sisters got me on a shelf cart and took me to the hospital. On the road, I thought about how Jesus raised Lazarus, “And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus said to them, Loose him, and let him go” (John 11:43-44). Before that, Lazarus had lain in the grave four days already. However, the moment the Lord Jesus said, “Lazarus, come forth,” he came out of the grave and was not smelly. Then I kept crying out, “O Lord, You are so powerful that You can resurrect Lazarus from the dead, so I believe You can also cure me. Dear Lord, whether I live or die, it all depends on You.” The two sisters also prayed for me.

I lost my conscience because of too much blood loss. When I woke up, the sisters told me that I was unconscious in the first hospital, and the doctor said they couldn’t treat me there, and recommended another hospital with a better medical condition. That was why I was taken to another hospital by two sisters. After several doctors’ inspections, including the director’s checkup, they said my heart had stopped beating, and there was no hope. They even didn’t carry me from the cart to the hospital inside. One of the sisters, who was over 70 years old, burst into tears, on her knees, imploring God to protect me and cure me. Another sister was begging for doctors’ treatment. The director said, “She has stopped breathing. It’s useless if you still stay here. Checkup isn’t necessary. Several doctors have examined. She cannot be saved. Just take her home.” But the old sister didn’t stop praying to the Lord and the younger sister kept pleading. The director had no choice but began to examine me again impatiently and didn’t have any expectations. However, a miracle occurred. My heart started beating again, which surprised the director. He immediately asked doctors to rescue me. Other people who were watching also said, “Look at that. The old woman’s prayer brings her back to life.” So I was rescued and miraculously survived. After hearing how I came alive, I moved to tears. I couldn’t tell how I was grateful to the Lord.

My two experiences allow me to know I survived because of the power of the Lord. In the past, I lived a busy life for myself, and didn’t focus on following God. Working hard indeed enables me to fill my belly, but it cannot save me when my life is in danger. Only the Lord is able to save me. I truly appreciate that God is my support for my life. Therefore, I am resolved to be good in my belief. My life is given by God, so I will make efforts to spread the gospel and repay His love. Whenever I think of God’s great power that cured me marvelously, I still cannot help but shed tears of gratitude. Thank God for His wondrous salvation. All the glory be to God.