That’s What I Did When I Was Framed

By Hengxin

Editor’s Note: In real life, what should we do when we are framed and cannot prove our innocence? Hengxin, a Christian, experienced such a thing. Let us see how she experienced it.

In the morning, while I was dreaming, someone’s curses woke me up. That was my neighbors’ swearing because their son’s suit that he bought when he got married was stolen.

I couldn’t help but sigh, “Alas! They said all kinds of dirty words and have cursed for so many days but still don’t stop!” I was awake and got up. Then my husband muttered angrily, “It’s really annoying! I can’t even sleep quietly every day.”

While our family was having breakfast, an older sister living next door came to my house in a hurry. The moment she walked in, she said, “Do you know whom that family is scolding?”

I pulled a chair for her to sit down and said calmly, “I don’t know.”

The older sister looked at me and said, “I heard them cursing again in the morning, so I asked them who they were cursing. The man nodded toward your house, and the woman directly said that your husband stole their son’s suit. I am so angry. It turns out that they have been scolding you these days.”

Hearing her words, I was shocked: I always thought they were blindly cursing, but I never expected that they were actually targeting us. At that time, their vicious remarks seemed like poisonous arrows that pierced my heart, which really made me unbearable. I thought to myself: If they gossiped about this to the people in the village, what would people think of us? I seemed to see the people in the village pointing at us, as well as their eyes with contempt and ridicule. Suddenly, I felt humiliated and thought to myself: How could they frame us for no reason? Is it because we are too honest and easy to bully? I really wanted to argue with them right away to avoid being subject to this unredressed wrong. My husband’s face turned pale with anger, and he stood up from the chair and said loudly, “I’ll go ask them. Who stole the clothes? For what reason do they swear at me?”

Seeing that my husband was more impulsive than me, I couldn’t help but get worried, thinking: If we go to argue with them, the two sides will surely fight since we are all so angry now. I’m a Christian. Fighting with them is not what a Christian should do and will dishonor the Lord’s name. In desperation, I could only cry out to the Lord in my heart.

After I prayed, I remembered the words of the Lord, “Take My yoke on you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest to your souls” (Matthew 11:29). These words quieted my heart. I understood: The Lord taught us to be kind-hearted, humble, and patient, and to treat others with love. Even if others do something that hurts us, we should tolerate and forgive others, but not hate others. Only in this way can we be after the Lord’s heart and be blessed by Him. In order to redeem us sinners, the Lord Jesus was willing to humble Himself. He had no complaints even when He was beaten and mocked by soldiers, and framed and slandered by the scribes. In the end, He was crucified and completed the work of redeeming mankind, redeeming people from sin, and allowing them to live in peace and joy. Today I believe in and follow the Lord, and I should follow the Lord’s example to walk the way of the cross and bear the Lord’s yoke. I should imitate the Lord Jesus—be humble, forgive others, and tolerate others. Only in this way can I live out the likeness of a Christian and glorify the Lord’s name.

Thinking of this, I was less angry and hurriedly grabbed my husband and said to him, “Now it’s not time for us to reason with them. Even if we say we didn’t steal their suit, they won’t believe it. Everyone in the village knows that they have been cursing for so long. If we argue with them, people who don’t know the truth will say, ‘They curse someone who stole their son’s clothes. Why would you confront yourselves with this if you didn’t steal it?’ If this happens, no matter how we talk, we can’t explain it clearly. You also believe in God. Only God scrutinizes the whole earth and examines the innermost heart of man. God knows whether we stole their clothes. A man of moral integrity does not fear any slanderous attack. We didn’t do that shameful thing, so there is no need to explain anything to people. Arguing with unreasonable people is pointless, and it will shame God’s name.”

Then my husband’s anger slowly subsided, and he decided not to reason with our neighbors. The older sister also said, “Thank the Lord! When you put it that way, I think I get it. Now I’m not angry anymore.”

Later, our neighbors stopped scolding us because of their illness. We also restored our normal lives. I went out for meetings and preached the gospel as usual. With the Lord’s presence, I was always full of joy in my heart.

Three months later, at noon, while my husband and I were cooking in the kitchen, our neighbors’ son suddenly came to my house. When I saw him come in, my heart was pounding quickly, and I thought: He must be here because of his lost suit. In the past, his parents just cursed us at their door. Today, he came to my house. What will he say? What should I do if he also frames us for stealing his clothes? I prayed to the Lord hurriedly and silently: “Lord, I have read so many of Your words. I am willing to be the light and the salt. Even if he falsely accuses us, I will act according to Your words and forgive him seventy times seven and I won’t lose my temper. Today, no matter what happens, I would like to stand witness for You. Please protect my heart so that I can practice according to Your will.” After I prayed, my heart was quiet. I offered him a seat and talked to him.

Then, my husband came out of the kitchen. Their son stood up, hurriedly took out a cigarette for my husband, and called “Uncle” and “Aunt” several times. He said, “I come here to apologize today.” After hearing this, my husband and I were stunned.

He took a puff of a cigarette and said slowly, “The day before yesterday, I drank with my friends in Beizhuang. I didn’t expect that the thief who stole my clothes would share everything so freely, saying that the suit he was wearing was mine. A few months ago, when he came to our village to buy meat, he saw that there was no one in my house, so he stole the suit that was drying in my courtyard. I looked carefully, and it was really my suit. After I came back and told my parents about this, they all regretted it and said that they shouldn’t have cursed your family. You are so tolerant and didn’t hold this against my parents.”

Hearing his words, I kept thanking the Lord in my heart. It was because of God’s protection that we could be tolerant and patient. It was not that we have tolerance; instead, this was the effect achieved by the Lord’s words on us. All the glory be to the Lord! My husband let out a long sigh and said, “The matter has finally come to the fore, and the truth has come to light.”

Thank the Lord for considering my small stature and protecting us from being unjustly wronged. Because of His teaching and guidance, I had a way to practice when I was falsely accused. Through this experience, I have more faith to follow the Lord. Thank the Lord! Amen.