Inspired by the Story of Two Stones

By Xiaofeng

Have you heard of the two stones with different fates? It comes from a fable. The first stone traveled all the corners of the globe to gain insight: It rolled off the mountain and into the water, and the stream led it to run all the way, encountering all kinds of setbacks and misfortunes. After repeatedly and thoroughly tempered, it finally became a treasure in a museum. The second stone was very resistant to danger or frustrations, and it only stayed on the mountain comfortably. Eventually, it was found, broken off by humans and became the material for building the museum.

There were both stones but had different destinies. One chose a perilous and rough path with vicissitudes and hardships, and eventually became a treasure in the world, a precious stone, receiving praises from countless people. However, another stone chose to lead a life of ease, and was so ordinary because it was unpolished. That is to say, it preferred temporary enjoyment and comfort to misfortunes and setbacks, causing it only to be broken off and end up sighing.

Inspired by this story, we are also faced with a decision on which path we walk in our belief, right? If we are willing to undergo hardships, we need to abandon fleshly enjoyment and comfortable environments. For example, Abraham left his home, his nation, his place to follow God. Many misfortunates and frustrations didn’t enable him to give up on his faith. Rather, these hardships allowed him to see many of God’s actions, gain knowledge of God’s sovereignty, and strengthened his faith. That was how he became “father of the faith.” In the end, he received God’s blessing and arrived at the land God promised him. Another example is Job. He walked the way of fearing God and shunning evil, magnified God in his heart and never indulged in rest. Great trials and tribulations came upon him, causing him to lose his livestock that filled the mountains, his children, untold masses of wealth, and his body became covered in sore boils. Instead of complaining against God, he gained more knowledge of God in such a hard situation. It wasn’t just hearing of God by the hearing of the ear; he actually felt God’s guidance personally. Job overcame Satan’s temptation, increased his faith, and received doubled praise and blessing from God. Clearly, hardships and trials are our precious wealth of life, and are necessary for us to increase our faith and know God, and good opportunities for us to be tested by God and receive His blessings. It is just as the Bible said, “That he might humble you, and that he might prove you, to do you good at your latter end” (Deuteronomy 8:16).

We should emulate the previous generations of saints, to walk the way they walked. In the course of believing in God, although we have to suffer a lot, if we can satisfy God and obtain His approval and blessing, that will be the most valuable and meaningful thing. It is just like the first stone. After enduring every vicissitude and refinement, it became a global treasure. Today, lots of brothers and sisters choose to walk the path that allows them to satisfy God. They indeed have undergone some refinements. For example, their families opposed their belief in God, and prevented them from going out to attend gatherings or serve God. In times of adversity, they didn’t give up on their faith to maintain their relationship with families. Through praying, depending on God, they finally saw God’s actions and broke free of the bonds of their families. They were grieved and cried during the process, but they have felt that God has been guiding and accompanying them to get over the difficulties, which have strengthened their faith and benefited their life growth. Thereafter, no matter what difficulties or misfortunes they encounter, they will have courage and faith to face and experience them. They have become independent and strong. This precisely fulfills the scripture, “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:17-18).

However, for those who believe in God but are unwilling to experience hardships and trials, they are content with the status quo, show consideration for the flesh, and are greedy for a life of ease. Specifically, they are content merely to attend gatherings, pray, and read God’s words. They see this as entertainment to kill time or use this to fill a void in their hearts. They only want their families to remain safe and not suffer any misfortune, never pursue to know God, nor do they practice God’s words. It’s impossible for them to gain life and truth. They are unable to gain true faith in God or obtain God’s approval. Doing so will bring destruction upon them in comfortable environments. Every believer in God hopes to have the beautiful destination God has prepared for mankind, but success or failure depends on the path that one walks.

Now, which path will you choose to walk?