God’s Protection in the Time of Crisis

By Xiaohua

It is written in the Bible, “The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my savior; you save me from violence” (2 Samuel 22:3). It’s so true. In the instant of danger, only God can protect us and save us from risky situations; God is our refuge. My two experiences of accidents struck me deeply about these words.

One day, my husband and I drove a four-wheeled vehicle to deliver corn. On our way home, suddenly, I thought I saw one back wheel drop and roll behind the vehicle. (Actually, it was a ballast). I was afraid of the vehicle overturning at any time, so I was going to get off and check it out. However, the vehicle body carried high piled corn, weighing 2700 kilograms; I jumped, but I didn’t land beyond the wheels, but fell under the back wheels. I hurriedly shouted to my husband and asked him to stop, but it was too late: The vehicle already ran over my belly and legs. My husband then stopped the vehicle suddenly in a panic, causing it to back over me. Lying on the ground, I couldn’t move, thinking, “I was run over twice: My bones must already be crushed, or at least broken.”

My husband jumped off the vehicle and was terrified by what he saw. He hurriedly pulled me out from underneath and called the emergency service. I consistently prayed to God, “O God, I cannot feel my legs now, and I don’t know how bad my situation is. But I believe whether it is good or bad is in Your hands.” After praying, I tried to move my legs, and unexpectedly, it worked. I couldn’t tell how exciting it was, so I kept thanking God. Later, I attempted to stand up slowly with the assistance of my husband. Surprisingly, I successfully stood up. At that time, the ambulance arrived, but I refused to go to the hospital because I knew no bones were broken. After returning home, my father-in-law still felt worried about me, so he asked my husband to take me to the hospital for a checkup. X-ray report showed that everything was fine. My husband felt assured, and I was full of gratitude toward God. The heavy vehicle ran over my legs twice, but I remained unhurt. Without God’s protection, my legs must be broken. This experience allowed me to feel that only God can save me from disasters and God is my help in time of need and my strong support.

There is another time God protected me from danger. That day, it was already dark when I was going home from Sister Wang’s house. With the road lights on, I was driving my electric bicycle from the west of the road to the east. The road was wide enough, and a truck was some distances away from me. I attempted to go faster but before I rode across the road, I got hit by the speeding truck and thrown about 10 meters in the air. My bicycle and I all fell on the ground. But the strange thing was that I didn’t feel any pain. I just got up and picked up the things scattered on the ground. The truck driver came over and held up my bicycle. Four or five people gathered around, and one asked me if I was all right and advised me to find a hospital to have a check-up. I told them I was fine. The driver and other people saw me walk normally, so they left. But my mind was suddenly completely blank and felt unfamiliar to everything around me. “Where am I coming from? Where am I going?” I couldn’t remember anything. All I could think about was God. So I prayed in my heart, “Dear God, I cannot remember anything right now. I don’t know where I am, and I don’t know anyone here. All I can do is rely on You. Please help me.”

After I prayed, something miraculous happened. A person was walking toward me and stood before me, asking me what I was doing here. I looked closely at her, and it was Sister Wang. I got my memory back all of a sudden. I told her, “I was hit by a truck and don’t know how to go home now.” Sister Wang then took me home. She told me on the way, “I just went out to dump the garbage. But I just couldn’t open the door after returning home. This never happened before. There is nothing I can do with the lock. So I decided to go to another sister’s home and try to figure it out tomorrow. Her house is in the north, but I involuntarily walked toward the south. That is why I could see you there. Looking back, everything contains God’s good intention. The thoughts of man are in God’s hands. If I had opened my door, I could have not met you.” Hearing what she said, my heart was completely filled with gratitude for God. It could be seen that man’s ideas and thoughts are all controlled by God. I was thrown more than 10 meters away, and my legs and arms were unharmed. I just got a bump on my face, as big as a jujube and I also got minor eye injury. Afterward, I was totally recovered after 9 days of infusion. It was all because of God’s protection that I narrowly escaped the danger in the accident. I truly experienced these biblical verses, “Because you have made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, your habitation; There shall no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come near your dwelling” (Psalm 91:9-10). “You are my hope in the day of evil” (Jeremiah 17:17).

When I calculate God’s grace bestowed upon me, I am very grateful for God. Without His repeated protection, I couldn’t stay safe and sound during the accidents. All I wish to do now is share the gospel more, do more work for the Lord to repay His love.