At the Life-and-Death Moment, God’s Hand Came to the Rescue

By Xiaoxin

The Bible says, “God is a refuge for us” (Psalms 62:8), and “A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you” (Psalms 91:7). In the past, when I read these words, I just verbally acknowledged that they are true but didn’t have real experience or understanding of them. It was not until I personally witnessed God’s great power and gained His care and protection at a life-and-death moment that I truly appreciated the authenticity of these words—God is really our refuge and ever-present help in calamities.

On the morning of July 25, 2011, I was putting the finishing touches to the newly-built biogas generating pit in the yard, which was 3 meters in depth and 2.8 meters in diameter. 30 centimeters south of the pit was a 3-meter-high heap piled up with 40,000 bricks for building a new house. At about 10 o’clock, I was fully absorbed in my work when I suddenly heard the startled cries of the technician (a person employed to help build the biogas generating pit) and my daughter-in-law, “O no, no … Oh my! Hurry!” I lifted my head, only to see the tall pile of bricks toppling over toward the pit, and I barely had time to guard against it.

In panic, I instinctively stepped backward. From where I stood, I saw the technician stamping feet with hands hitting thighs wildly while my daughter-in-law crying desperately: “Dad, hurry up! Climb up the ladder!” But there was no time for me to reach the ladder, so I turned around to climb the wall, which, however, was too steep and high to climb. Seeing the bricks about to fall onto me, I rapidly stepped backward while urgently crying out to God, “O God, please help me!” With a crash, the brick mound completely collapsed and tens of thousands of bricks hailed down toward me. At the sight of this horrible scene, I thought to myself: “I’m finished. I’m gonna be crushed to death.”

As the bricks constantly dropped on the bottom of the pit, dust whirled up in the air and I was unable to see anything. My ears were filled with the sound of bricks hitting the ground and the cries and shouts of the technician and my daughter-in-law: “Zhang Xin! Zhang Xin! Where are you? Can you hear me?” “Dad, where are you? Say something! Please!” Hearing them, I hastily replied: “I’m here! Don’t worry. I’m fine!”

At that moment, the bricks were still falling down and the choking dust kept rising, but surprisingly, I didn’t feel any pain at all. When the dust dispersed, I looked around and was dumbfounded at the sight that met my eyes: In front of me was a thigh-high pile of bricks, which filled about one-fifth of the pit. But the amazing thing was that those bricks, as if they had grown eyes, all scattered only ten centimeters away from where I stood except one lying on the ground between my legs, so I wasn’t hurt at all. At that moment, I had a deep appreciation of God’s almightiness. When such a terrible calamity befell me, I could survive without a scratch and even was able to keep calm. That was all thanks to God’s great love and miraculous protection. God not only protected my whole being, but also safeguarded my heart. I was so grateful to Him.

When I came out of the pit by the ladder, the technician and my daughter-in-law both looked at me with frightened faces, shivering uncontrollably as they said, “It was horrible! You scared the hell out of me.” Hearing what they said, I thanked God in my heart, and then comforted them calmly: “Don’t be afraid. I’m fine. The God I believe in is the one true God who protects and loves people.”

From this experience, I personally witnessed God’s almightiness and wondrousness, and truly appreciated that God is right by our side, caring for and protecting us believers all the time. When calamities come upon us, only God is our reliance and refuge—this is not some kind of theory, but a true and visible fact.