Do You Still Often Feel Inferior Because You Are Ordinary and Commonplace?

Dandelions are common and humble flowers. When spring arrives, everything puts on new clothes. Growing flowering almonds and peaches is a great way to add color to the landscape. Different kinds of mountain plants and wildflower flowers grow near the mountain stream. Only the dandelion is not decked with gorgeousness. It feels inferior because it is so common. When Summer comes, foliage plants with lush leaves are the most obvious features. The fully-developed buds of flowers start to open, and the stunning flowers bloom lavishly during the summer months; after resting for some time, they then produce new flowers, dazzling, beautiful and charming. But the dandelion is still ordinary without attractive buds or beautiful petals, and it feels inferior as always. Autumn is a harvest season, keeping people busy everywhere. Abundant fruits and vegetables are provided and preserved. But since the dandelion is unfruitful, it remains inferior and sad, thinking itself useless and living in vain.

The dandelion has started to travel with the autumn wind, leaving the place where it feels inferior. It is swaying with the wind under the embrace of the sun, until it comes to a swamp. Seeing the green grass growing in swamp water without beautiful clothes or abundant fruits, it asks the grass, “Why don’t you leave this dirty place?” The grass replies with a smile, “Because this is my home. I am needed here.”

When autumn wind rises, the dandelion leaves with a puzzle. It continues to float in the wind and stops on a barren land. Looking at the dog tail grass without gorgeous clothes or rich fruits, but covered with dust, the dandelion asks the grass, “There is no water on the barren land. Why are you staying here and not leaving?” The grass replies, “This is my home, and it needs me.”

The dandelion still doesn’t understand, and it leaves again with the wind and then stops on the edge of a cliff. A snowdrop grows out of the crevices of the rocks. How dangerous is the environment! The dandelion asks the snowdrop anxiously, “It is a dangerous place. Why are you staying here? You have beautiful flowers and fresh fruits, but no one will come to this remote and dangerous place to see you.”

The snowdrop smiles and says, “I don’t care whether people admire my outward appearance. I am just following the life course the Creator sets for me, and obeying His ordination. Because all things created by God have their functions and trajectories of growth, despite the environments they live in.” The dandelion says with the inferiority complex, “But I never find myself useful. I will float away at the touch of the slightest breeze.” The snowdrop responds with a kind smile, “Anything created by the Creator is meaningful. If it has no meaning, the Creator will make it disappear.”

The dandelion feels relieved after hearing this. It remembers the grass and dog tail grass it meets on the way. They are all ordinary, but they don’t complain. They present a smiling face to everything, because they regard it as the Creator’s ordination and arrangement. They are following the cyclical law of life set for them by the Creator, and live without individual choice. But the dandelion has been reluctant to be ordinary, nor has it obeyed the Creator’s arrangement. It has always been struggling with an inferior complex to resist, never feeling happy.

When the dandelion is lost in thought, the wind blows again and brings it away. It is taken to a pharmaceutical factory. It sees many dandelions there, and all kinds of plants and flowers. They all have medicinal values. Most human drugs and medicines are made from plants. Everything has its value. This reminds the dandelion of what the snowdrop says: “Anything created by the Creator is meaningful. If it has no meaning, the Creator will make it disappear.” So even the inconspicuous grass can be useful, make a little contribution to humans, and live a worthwhile life. Thus, the dandelion has finally found its position, no longer feeling inadequate. It comes to know the meaning and value when it was created by the Lord, so it is so joyful.

Think about this: Aren’t we the same as the dandelion? We often have feelings of inferiority complex because we are ordinary and common. For this reason, we always complain that God doesn’t give us good appearance, living environments and families into which we were born, and claim that we are so absolutely unremarkable. So we want to cast off or escape God’s ordination and sovereignty. After struggling for a long time, our desire has come to nothing, and more than that, we have experienced much suffering and many torments. It is all because we don’t know God, and have no idea about God’s original intention of His arrangements for each of us. Actually, all creatures are playing their respective role, and serving their respective function. … God created all things, granted them life instincts, and established laws and principles for them to live. All things exist within the ordination of God; they strengthen each other, counteract each other, and exist together. Therefore, everything created by God is good, and the environment God arranges for man is the best, and most proper, and is of significance. God is righteous, and He is impartial toward all people. So in the face of the environment God arranges for us, we should have an obedient heart, and thank God for everything He gives us for our better life. All He has done for us is the blood and tears the Creator has poured out for us, and it brims with God’s love and expectation for mankind.