Explanation of John 15:7 – How to Establish a Normal Relationship With the Lord?

Daily Bible Verse of the Day

The Lord Jesus said, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done to you”.

– John 15:7

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

Is your relationship with God normal? Are your prayers being heard by God? Have you received God’s help when facing challenges and difficulties in life? If you have unresolved issues on your faith journey, please read the following content, as it may provide you with help!

From this scripture, we hear the Lord Jesus urging us to live continually in Him, to let His words abide in our hearts, so that we can maintain a normal relationship with God, and our prayers can receive His response. Every believer desires to live in the Lord and maintain an intimate relationship with Him. However, living in the Lord is not a vague and empty theory; it requires us to have God’s word within us. In other words, living in the Lord and maintaining a normal relationship with Him must be built on the foundation of God’s word. With God’s words within us, we can constantly ponder them, understand His intentions and requirements, seek and pray to God according to His will and demands. This will undoubtedly lead to God’s approval, and our relationship with God will become closer and more normal over time. As a book says, “To build a normal relationship with God, all must be built on the foundation of God’s words, you must be able to perform your duty according to God’s words and what God asks, you must set your views straight, and must seek the truth in all things. You must practice the truth when you understand it, and regardless of what happens to you, you must pray to God and seek with a heart of obedience to God. Practicing thus, you will be able to maintain a normal relationship with God” “If prayer is to be effective, then it must be based on the reading of God’s words. Only by praying from within God’s words can one receive greater enlightenment and illumination. The manifestations of a true prayer are: Having a heart that yearns for all that God asks, and moreover desires to accomplish what He demands; detesting that which God detests and then, building on this foundation, gaining some understanding of it, and having some knowledge and clarity regarding the truths God expounds. Where there is resolution, faith, knowledge, and a path of practice following prayer, only then can it be called true prayer, and only this type of prayer can be effective. Yet prayer must be built upon the enjoyment of God’s words, it must be established on the foundation of communing with God in His words, and the heart must be able to seek God and become quiet before Him. Prayer of this kind has already entered the stage of true communion with God

In our everyday lives, we face various challenges and difficulties. But as long as we lean on God’s words, develop a natural relationship with Him, and sincerely pray, God will hear our prayers, offer us His assistance, and provide us with the strength and confidence to overcome every hardship.