Wonderful Protection Under Wheels

By Yang Tao

On a winter morning, the cold wind howled and the ground was frozen. I was riding a bicycle to go to work. At a crossroads, I saw there was no one on the road, so I hurried to cross the road. But for some unknown reason, my bicycle suddenly broke in the middle of the road, so I stopped riding and checked it. When I was checking, I inadvertently saw a three-wheeled motorcycle with a bucket carrying four people driving fast from the north and approaching me. But it was too late for me to escape it. I was so scared that my heart was beating out of my chest, thinking, “It’s over. … It’s over. … I am about to die!” I desperately called out to the Lord, “Lord, please save me! …” At that time, the motorcycle knocked me into the air and continued moving forward. (Later, I came to know that I was knocked 3 meters through the air. My bicycle was sent to the roadside, and the handlebars were bent).

I fell on the road with my whole body in pain. I couldn’t move or open my eyes even if I wanted to, but I was still somewhat conscious. At that moment, I suddenly heard the sound of the motorcycle very close to me, and I was shocked, “Will the motorcycle run over me again? If this is the case, won’t I die?” Thinking of this, my heart was beating really quickly and I was scared, so I hurriedly called out to the Lord in my heart, “Lord, please save me and protect me!” At the same time, the motorcycle ran over my waist, but unexpectedly, I did not feel the weight of the motorcycle at all (A three-wheel motorcycle weighs over 1,000 pounds), as if someone was holding it. Seeing the wondrous deeds of the Lord, I kept thanking the Lord in my heart. It was the Lord’s protection that kept me from losing my life after I was knocked down and then crushed.

At that time, I was lying on the road, unable to move or speak, and I vaguely heard people around me talking, “The motorcycle driver was worried that he would pay much more compensation for treatment if this person was seriously injured and would not die. Thus, he drove the motorcycle to run over this person, in order that he needed to pay less compensation if this person died.” “This person must have died. There is no way to save him.” They all thought I couldn’t survive. It seemed that the scene just now was too thrilling. My heart was full of gratitude to the Lord. If it weren’t for the Lord’s protection, I would have definitely been dead now.

At that time, I suddenly heard someone calling me but I couldn’t speak. He said he would hurry up and inform my cousin. After an indeterminate amount of time passed, I felt some people lift me up. My whole body hurt as if my bones were broken, and especially my waist and back hurt more seriously. I stumbled and prayed to the Lord, hoping that He would lead me.

During the examination in the hospital, I awoke and my family members asked me how I felt and what was wrong with me. I answered, “It’s fine.” My cousin said to me, “At that time, your condition was very terrible. Although you lightly bleed, you didn’t react no matter how I called you. Many people said that you were dead. I and the driver brought you to the hospital. You’re fine, and that’s all that matters!” Seeing the results of the examination, the doctor said, “You were hit twice, and even though the motorcycle ran over you, you didn’t have any broken bones and didn’t bleed much. This is so miraculous.” Hearing the doctor’s words, I was excited and couldn’t help but thank the Lord for protecting me, without which I would have died already. I thought of the Bible verse, “Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4). I thought: This accident was so dangerous, but my bones were not broken at all, and my internal organs were not damaged. I truly saw that the Lord was with me and protected me in the car accident so that I could survive. I was discharged five days later, and my body nearly recovered after 20 days.

Later, I saw that the Bible said, “A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you” (Psalm 91:7). Through this experience, I saw that people’s lives, deaths, fortunes, and misfortunes are in the hands of God. God rules and controls everything. His authority is not affected by any factors and His power is unfathomable. No matter what disasters we encounter, as long as we gain God’s protection, we can be saved from danger. I thought of the fact that my neighbor died after he was knocked down by a motorcycle. From this, I understand that unbelievers didn’t rely on the Lord when they were in danger, so they couldn’t receive the protection of the Lord, and a little disaster could take away their lives. I was hit three meters away by a motorcycle, and was run over by a 1,000-pound motorcycle. Everyone thought I was dead, but I cried out to the Lord and saw His protection. I was so thankful to the Lord! When I think about the Lord’s love for me, my heart is filled with gratitude. I only hope that I can repay the Lord’s love more in the future.