God Saved Me When I Got Ectopic Pregnancy

By Meng Hui

I’m a believer in God. In the past, not taking my belief seriously, I didn’t gain much knowledge of God or have true faith in Him. It was not until God saved me from an illness that I saw His grace and mercy for me and became certain about Him, and thus had true faith in Him.

It was one afternoon in August, 2002. On my way home after shopping for the groceries, I suddenly felt a fierce pain in my stomach. After returning home, I wanted to lie on the bed to relieve the pain. But the pain was so terrible that I couldn’t lie or sit still, and it got worse and worse. Thinking that my husband wouldn’t return home until two hours later, I felt worried. I endured the pain and struggled out of my house, hoping to get someone to inform my husband, but didn’t see any person. Then I slowly walked to my neighbor’s home. Knowing my condition, she immediately took me to a nearby clinic. Seeing my arms trembling slightly, the doctor examined me and put me on a drip. When my husband came to the clinic, the doctor said to him, “Your wife has ectopic pregnancy. She needs an operation right now. But the medical facilities here are quite limited and we couldn’t perform the operation. I advise you to take her to a big hospital immediately.” Hearing the doctor, I was a little afraid: Ectopic pregnancy is an acute illness, and anyone who gets it could die if she doesn’t have the operation right away. But the county hospital is far from here and we can’t find a car to take us there for the moment. What should we do? When my husband and I were anxious, his leader came to the clinic and offered to drive us to the hospital. He said to my husband, “Take her to the hospital in A City. It is closer to here.” At that time, I suddenly remembered that hospital didn’t have a blood bank, and then a thought arose in my mind: I’d better go to the hospital in B City which is about seventy miles away. So I said to them, “I think we’d better go to the hospital in B City. The medical facilities there are well-appointed.” Then we hit the road.

On the way to the hospital, I lay in the car hooked up to an I.V. I remembered that a relative of my neighbor who got ectopic pregnancy died on the way to the hospital because of profuse bleeding. Thinking of these, I couldn’t help but feel worried: Now I get the same illness as she did. Will I make it to the hospital or die on the way? I felt so fearful that I dared not think more. Then I earnestly prayed to God in my heart, “Oh God! Please save me! I’m so afraid and could do nothing to help myself. May You care and protect me. I know my life and death are in Your hands. I’m willing to entrust myself to you.” After prayer, I recalled when the Lord Jesus came to do His work, He made the blind see, the lame walk, and the lepers to be healed; He even brought Lazarus who was dead for four days to life by saying a single word. “Right. God is possessed of authority; only He can decide my life and death.” At these thoughts, I wasn’t afraid anymore but had faith and strength. Meanwhile, I was willing to entrust myself to God and obey His sovereignty and arrangements no matter what the result would be.

When we arrived at the hospital, I felt weak all over. Due to the internal bleeding, my belly was prominent, arms twitching over my chest, and my fists couldn’t unclench because of the violent convulsion. The doctor examined me and said, “You’re suffering severe internal bleeding. If you had been ten minutes late, your life would be lost. Fortunately, the surgeon is still on duty today and could operate on you right now.” Hearing the doctor, I thanked God unceasingly within: All these are God’s sovereignty and arrangement. He is really protecting me. After finishing all necessary examinations, I was wheeled into the operation room. When I woke up the next day, my husband said to me, “Last night, your condition once was critical, for the amount of internal bleeding was over 2000cc. But miraculously, the operation is successful. Even the doctor is surprised at it.” I knew that all of this was the deeds of God and then silently thanked and praised Him. Thinking of how God orchestrated and arranged everything for me, I appreciated His great care and love for me. If the surgeon had gone off duty, I would have died for not receiving proper treatment. If I hadn’t followed God’s guidance but went to the hospital in A City where there was no blood bank there, I would have died because of profuse bleeding. At that moment, I felt so grateful to God and sincerely gave thanks and praises to Him.

From this experience, I saw the real side of God’s authority and power as well as His genuineness and loveliness; I also appreciated that God is caring me and protecting me all the time. Now my faith and willpower to follow God is even firmer.