Christ Is the Lord of Our Home

By Jingxun

There was an extended family, including my family, my parents-in-law’s family, and my brother-in-law’s family. Our three family owned our respective kitchens and rooms, and we crowded together into the house. Before we believed in the Lord, we often got into arguments over small matters. Every time we looked at each other, we got angry and pulled a long face.

At that time, my husband and I had just started our business, and did not have much money. However, because my husband is their eldest son and they saw we were engaged in business, my parents-in-law asked us to pay the whole family’s electric and water bills. In addition, when they went shopping or visited the relatives, they asked us for money. We not only paid those bills but also provided for my parents-in-law; while my brother-in-law and his wife did not do a stroke except playing cards every day. Faced with such a situation, I felt extremely defiant in my heart and then complained to my husband: “You and your brother should share the responsibility for providing for your parents. However, your brother and his wife spend money playing cards at home, but they don’t pay the utilities. Why is it always we who have to bear all the costs? Your parents really are too biased.” Hearing my words, my husband, caught in between, did not utter a word. My parents-in-law always showed partiality to my brother-in-law’s family. For example, they gave the food in my refrigerator to my brother-in-law’s family but told me they themselves had eaten it. I was very angry about that and thought: “Someday, when I have enough money to buy a new house, I’ll stay away from them and never have anything to do with them.”

One evening, my husband was not at home, and I took my son for a walk. When we returned and were about to open the door, I found that I had forgotten the key. At that time, my mother-in-law was watching TV at home. I called her to open the door but there was no answer. It made me so angry that I cried. My son saw me crying, and then he also started crying and yelling: “Grandma, open up!” However, she still pretended not to hear. In a fit of anger, I bought a new lock and put it on the door.

Later, once I discovered that my husband played cards after delivering goods. When he came back, I upbraided him angrily and told him not to play cards anymore. Who knew my parents-in-law heard that, then they came over to speak for him: “It’s very common that man plays cards. You watch over your husband very closely.” Seeing my unreasonable parents-in-law, I could do nothing but be angry.

One day, I told my husband that I intended to borrow money to buy a new house and live away from my parents-in-law and my brother-in-law’s family. My husband paid regard for my parents-in-law’s feelings, so he talked it over with them. But they did not agree. After that, my husband never mentioned buying a house again. In a huff, I borrowed money from my friends, took the liberty of buying a house and appointing a date for the house decoration. Seeing I was determined to live separately from my parents-in-law and my brother-in-law’s family, my husband began to help me with the decoration. After five months, we lived separately from them.

Later, my mother spread the Lord Jesus’ gospel to me. After I believed in the Lord, the headache from which I had suffered for years actually got better. One day, I watched the film The Passion of the Christ on CDs, which mentioned that the Lord Jesus was nailed to the cross in order to redeem mankind. After the film, I was moved to tears by the Lord’s love. Moreover, the brothers and sisters of the church told me the Lord hoped for more people to be saved and for us to spread His gospel. I thought to myself: “Right, I’ve obtained the Lord’s grace, and I should spread the gospel to others. But who will I convert?” At that time, I thought of my parents-in-law. Their humanity is actually not bad. They were partial to my brother-in-law’s family, only because the living condition of my brother-in-law’s family was relatively poor and they wanted to help my brother-in-law’s family. Therefore, I intended to convert them first.

Later, I saw the Lord’s words: “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light to all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16). From the Lord’s words I knew that as a believer, I should set an example for others to glory Him. In the extended family, the Lord first chose me as one of God’s children, and so I should act according to the Lord’s words to honor Him and bring my family to believe in Him.

Thus, I bought several new suits and some food for my parents-in-law and offered an apology to them. And I also told them I had believed in the Lord, that I would treat them well in the future, and that I wanted them to move into my new house. Hearing that, they were really touched and said: “We’ve been accustomed to the old house, so we won’t move there.” I knew it was because they were concerned about my brother-in-law’s family. So I didn’t cook in my new house, but ate with my parents-in-law in the old house and bore all of their expenses. Each time cooking, they secretly kept some food for my brother-in-law’s family. When I saw this, I was no longer petty and narrow-minded, but rather I called my brother-in-law’s family to eat with us. After they saw I had changed, they became considerate toward me and I did not need to handle the family matters. Gradually, our relationship became better and better. Afterward, my brother-in-law’s family also followed me in believing in the Lord. Our extended family lived together again, and I bore all the living costs of our family. My parents-in-law were only too happy and bore witness to the Lord’s great power to whomever they met.

Although I expended some money, I received more blessings from the Lord: My business got better and better. Later on, I paid some money to start my brother-in-law’s family and my husband’s elder sister’s family in business. Furthermore, they all followed me in believing in the Lord and my brother-in-law’s family did not play cards anymore. My parents-in-law grew some vegetables and were responsible for looking after our children and cooking for the whole family. The living condition of our family became better and better, and we lived together in harmony.

Our neighbors were very envious when they saw our family did not quarrel anymore but lived together in harmony. Especially in the evening, our home was always full of joy and laughter. Our neighbors all said the mood in our home was pleasant, and liked visiting with us. Gradually, our family became a famous ideal one in our local place and many people accepted the Lord Jesus’ gospel. Glory be to the Lord!