God Saved Me From an Extreme Danger

By Zheng Zhigang

The Bible says: “Because you have made Jehovah, which is my refuge, even the most High, your habitation; There shall no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come near your dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways” (Psalms 91:9-11). Reading this scripture passage, I couldn’t help thinking of that day …

One day in 2016, a brother and I drove to another city to do some errands. On the expressway, our car was moving ahead with the speed of 120 km/h. A moment before, the sky was clear, but suddenly it blackened, and in an instant it hailed with snow. The sudden change gave us no time to reduce our speed. The car skidded on the road out of control, swerving about recklessly on the expressway. At that moment, I was simply stupid with terror, and my mind went blank: That’s it. We’ll surely get into a car accident. The brother at my side was so frightened that he kept crying. Just as our car was going to crash into the guard rail, I thought of crying out to God. I hurriedly shouted: “Oh God! Oh God!” I was unable to say more. Then I had some awareness in my brain: Put the handbrake on quickly. So, I did it right away. At that moment, a miracle appeared: Our car suddenly turned around all of a sudden, then the tail hit the guard rail, and thus it stopped miraculously. I kept thanking God in my heart. After my heart somewhat calmed down, I got out of the car, and saw the car had skidded twenty or thirty meters. According to common sense, when a car moves on the slippery road with the speed of 120 km/h, it must have been destroyed and the people in it must have died. However, it was after I cried out to God that a miracle occurred unexpectedly: The tail of the car only hit the guard rail and just was dented in a little bit. We examined the car and found nothing serious with it. Therefore we continued moving forward. On the way, recalling one scene after another which had just happened, we both said: “We really have seen God’s deeds today.” I knew that was all due to God’s protection and I was grateful to God from the bottom of my heart.

Looking back on the scenes of that day, I deeply experienced that God practically commands everything, and that all things, regardless of whether they have life or not, are under God’s orchestration. But for God’s protection, our car would have directly rushed toward the K-rail, and finally the brother and I would have been disabled even if we could survive. At the thought of this, I thanked God constantly in my heart. God is really the only One we can depend on and trust in. I only wished to place the rest of my life in the hands of God, and properly perform my duty as a creature to repay God’s love.